Are your company and your staff developing in the same direction?

Is is only natural that the individual and the organisation develop at different rates. The individual learns continuously and changes correspondingly whereas organisations often undergo sudden changes. Being an entrepreneur you know that decisions regarding organisational changes often require a long lead time. Once made, these decisions should be realised as soon as possible, as both the decision making and the realisation costs time and money.

However, is the individual able to conform to this development as quickly as it is being made?

A human is not a chameleon.

The human ability to adapt to different surroundings is enourmous but not unlimited, varying, however, from one individual to another. Therefore it is important to include the employees‘ individual abilities to adapt to the overall change process plan at an early stage.

The key has to fit the door

We assess your employees‘ different individual strengths and weaknesses on the basis of the new requirements (gap analysis). Thus we are able to define and initiate specific development measures. At the same time we provide you, the decision maker, with important feedback on the practicability of your new strategy or form of organisation. That way the organisation and the employee can adapt to each other in an interactive process meaning quicker implementation successes for you.